Cucalon & Matin Orthodontics Response to COVID-19

Most recent update March 23rd​​

As we are all coming to terms with the new guidelines and restrictions of life these days, here at Cucalon & Matin Orthodontics we want to maintain our availability to you as much as possible. We are developing video appointments, phone conferences and making greater use of email communications.

  • If you have questions about your treatment, please email Dr. Cucalon directly at 
  • If you have questions about appointments please email
  • If you have an orthodontic emergency please call the office at 415-563-2348

Important: Please include the patient’s full name in all communications.

At this time we are only allowed to see emergency appointments in the office. Emergencies include:

  • Significant pain (unmanaged by wax or clipping a wire at home)
  • Infection
  • Physical injury and limited function

We are all in this together and not alone.

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